08 Aug

Why Generation Z Choose to Chat over Traditional Customer Service 


Customers’ expectations have evolved in the constantly changing technological world we live in today. Quick and hassle-free solutions are what they seek, and long waiting times to speak with a customer service representative on the phone are no longer acceptable. With the rise of chat as a customer service platform, businesses have transformed how they engage with their customers.

This blog post will explore why new-gen customers prefer to chat over traditional customer service in call centers. From the convenience of instant messaging to the ability to multitask and the personalized experience it offers, we will delve into the reasons behind this shift and how businesses can adapt these quality monitoring metrics and KPIs to meet the changing expectations of their customers. So, if you are curious about the rise of chat and its impact on customer service, keep reading to discover the future of customer communication.

Measuring Quality Assurance Metrics for Optimal Customer Experience


It is essential to check the tone of delivery agents. Regarding an exceptional customer experience, polite interaction plays a crucial role in today’s fast, tech-savvy world, where instant communication is the norm due to the absence of time. Businesses are increasingly relying on chat platforms to connect with their customers.

On the other hand, a rude and unresponsive agent can leave customers feeling frustrated and ignored.

Around 90% of customers switch to new business services because of poor customer service

A positive chat tone also helps ensure effective communication and long-term customer retention. 

51% of consumers will likely stay with or buy again from a company if they offer live chat support.” ( Source )

The chat services in contact centers have led to high customer retention in the past few years. 


As a part of quality assurance with adherence to proper chat etiquette, agents project professionalism, empathy, and attentiveness, building customer trust and confidence. It helps to provide a consistent and strong brand image. Every customer interaction is an opportunity to reinforce the brand’s values and develop a positive impression.

The technical aspects of the quality analyst training process can help deliver high professionalism and ensure that each chat leaves a lasting positive impression on the customers.

“The overall customer satisfaction rate for a live chat around the globe is 83.1%.” ( Source )

The professional tone of agents develops a sense of advocacy among customers and induces brand sales in these years. 

Excellent Communication Skills

As a crucial part of QA in call centers, Effective Chat Communication is pivotal in today’s technical landscape. With increasing messaging apps, live support, and online customer service mediums, businesses can connect with customers in real time and provide exceptional services. 

One of the primary vital aspects of chat support is the ability to personalize interactions, unlike traditional modes of communication such as voice calls.

“Based on statistics, 95% of customers value thorough, high-quality support more than speed.”( Source )

Agents with excellent communication skills positively interact with customers and bring new customers to the call center business process.

Chat Response Duration 

In the digital world of call centers, every second counts. Customers expect quick communication channels, so chat has become popular. It offers a real-time, personalized interaction, allowing agents to address customer inquiries promptly. The prolonged wait time can lead to frustration and low customer satisfaction.

“According to reports, customers with a high satisfaction rate above 90% have a longer live chat, at least 11 minutes and 47 seconds.” 
 ( Source )

Therefore, agent support adheres to personal chat assistance and is more satisfactory than traditional customer service support. 

Time Spent on Resolving the Query

Understanding the query resolution time is crucial for optimizing chat support and ensuring a positive customer experience. Customers expect a timely resolution when they reach out with an unsolved query. The longer wait time frustrates the customer and leaves them unsatisfied.

“79% of businesses say that offering live chat has positively affected the call center business process, increasing sales.” ( Source )

It keeps track of the calls resolved and positively impacts the overall sales made by call centers. 

Two Cents

In conclusion, by practicing such QA in call center strategies, the business identifies opportunities for improvement in its chat support systems and processes. It could include drawbacks, critical reasons for downside workflows, and comprehensive ways to enhance efficiency and reduce response time.

NEQQO is a quality assurance technology designed to improve and manage call center KPIs effectively and with productivity. It is a comprehensive solution to streamline every aspect of the quality assurance process in call centers and assists in accessing critical customer queries to improve agent performance levels.

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