Decoding DSAT in Call Centers: Turning Customer Dissatisfaction into a Growth Catalyst

The consumer’s age has brought the significance of the customer experience to the forefront. A recent report from Salesforce suggests that  76% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations. Call center metrics, especially DSAT or Customer Dissatisfaction Score, have become increasingly pivotal in this dynamic landscape. By recognizing areas of discontent, businesses can refine the entire customer experience, turning potential negatives into positives.

Understanding DSAT

DSAT stands out as a vital gauge within the world of call center metrics. This ‘Dissatisfaction Score’ enables organizations to measure the percentage of customer interactions, particularly in call centers, resulting in an unsatisfactory outcome. While CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) and NPS (Net Promoter Score) offer insights into positive touchpoints, DSAT zeroes in on the gaps.

Why Is DSAT Important in Call Center Metrics?

Proactive Problem Resolution: A Gartner study indicates that over 80% of businesses compete primarily based on customer experience. With call centers being the frontline, using DSAT can proactively identify and address customer pain points.

Enhances Customer Retention: As per a Bain & Company report, a mere 5% increase in customer retention can result in a 25% to 95% rise in profits. Addressing dissatisfaction highlighted through call center metrics, including DSAT, directly reduces churn.

Provides a Holistic View: DSAT, in tandem with other call center metrics like CSAT and NPS , ensures a comprehensive understanding of customer sentiment at every touchpoint.

Implementing DSAT in Call Centers
Limitations of DSAT

Although DSAT is a formidable call center metric, it’s not infallible. For instance, a minor system glitch and a significant communication breakdown might receive the same DSAT score. Hence, blending DSAT with other qualitative feedback methods is crucial.


As call centers remain crucial business touchpoints, metrics like DSAT become invaluable. By embracing DSAT and other call center metrics, businesses safeguard their customer relationships and open doors to continuous improvement. In the grand scheme, recognizing and acting upon dissatisfaction isn’t just about issue resolution; it’s a strategic move toward business excellence.

The Potential of NEQQO in Refining Call Center Experiences

In pursuing unparalleled customer service, the tools we employ often determine the quality of insights we glean. The “NEQQO” call center QA tool is a game-changer.

NEQQO is a powerful tool that helps achieve customer service excellence through advanced analytics, intuitive interfaces, and integration-friendly features. It enables a deeper understanding of customer-agent interactions.

With the insights provided by NEQQO, call centers can:

In essence, NEQQO measures and provides a roadmap for improvement by analyzing DSAT and other metrics.

By integrating NEQQO into call centers, businesses can improve customer experience while meeting KPIs.

Mastering the Art of Call Scoring: Enhancing Call Center Quality and Agent Performance


Call centers hold an essential place in the success of businesses by operating as the main point of contact with customers. In this digital age, where  customer experience and feedback  can make or break an organization’s reputation, call centers must focus on high quality and agent performance to ensure that customers are satisfied and retained for a long time. Call centers employ a crucial strategy to accomplish these objectives: “Call Scoring.”

Before learning about the benefits, challenges, and strategies, we must delve into the meaning of Call Scoring.

What is Call Scoring?

Call scoring is how an individual ( a supervisor or analyst ) evaluates and assesses the quality of interactions between call center agents and customers. It measures various call pieces, including agent behavior, communication skills, script or protocol adherence, and customer satisfaction. The data collected from call scoring provides valuable insights into improvement areas, helps identify top-performing agents, and allows call centers to tune their operations.

Benefits of Call Scoring

An effective call-scoring system benefits call centers, their agents, and their customers. Some of the key advantages include:

Components of Call Scoring

An effective call-scoring process considers multiple components to evaluate a call center interaction’s quality comprehensively. These components may include:

Challenges in Call Scoring and Strategies to Overcome Them

The implementation of call scoring in a call center comes with its own set of challenges. We’ve listed some of the common hurdles in call scoring and ways to overcome them:

Subjectivity in Evaluation

One of the most significant challenges in call scoring is the subjectivity arising during the evaluation process. Different evaluators may interpret interactions differently, leading to inconsistent scores for the same call. This subjectivity can impact agent morale and create discrepancies in performance evaluations.

Overcoming Subjectivity:

To overcome subjectivity in call scoring, call centers can take the following steps:

Data Overload

Call centers handle many customer interactions, making manual call scoring time-consuming and impractical. The sheer volume of calls can overwhelm evaluators, leading to timely feedback and adequate coverage of interactions.

Data Overload

To manage data overload and extract meaningful insights, call centers can adopt the following approaches:

Evolving Customer Expectations

Customer expectations are continually evolving, and more than what may have satisfied customers yesterday might be needed today. Call centers must adapt their call scoring criteria to meet changing customer preferences.

Overcoming Evolving Customer Expectations

To adapt to changing customer preferences, call centers can adopt the following strategies:

Agent Resistance

Agents may perceive call scoring as intrusive or critical, leading to resistance and lowered morale. It is essential to ensure that agents view call scoring as a supportive tool for their growth and development.

Overcoming Agent Resistance

To ensure agents view call scoring positively, consider the following steps:,

Balancing Metrics

Call centers often face balancing efficiency metrics, such as call handling time, with  quality metrics, such as customer satisfaction. Striking the right balance is essential to maintain efficiency and the customer experience.

Overcoming Balancing Metrics

To strike the right balance between metrics, call centers can adopt the following strategies:

Designing an Effective Call Scoring System

A well-designed call-scoring system is crucial for accurate and meaningful evaluations. We’ve created a list of steps for establishing such a system:


Mastering the art of call scoring is essential for call centers to enhance the quality of customer interactions and boost agent performance. A well-designed call scoring system, supported by automation and regular training, empowers call centers to deliver exceptional customer experiences consistently. By embracing call scoring as a continuous improvement, call centers can build lasting customer relationships and stand out in today’s competitive business world. Call scoring isn’t just about numbers; it’s about creating meaningful connections with customers and elevating the overall customer experience.

NEQQO – QA Tool Built for Call Centers

Quality assurance is the linchpin to success in the ever-evolving realm of call centers. NEQQO has emerged not just as another tool but as a game-changer in this domain. It addresses pain points, streamlines processes, and, most importantly, places the power of real-time analytics and feedback in the hands of the users.

As businesses seek innovation and efficiency in their customer service, the significance of tools like  NEQQO  can’t be overstated. It’s not just about improving numbers or ticking boxes; it’s about redefining what excellence looks like in customer interactions and setting a new industry standard.”

Beyond the Call: Trending Metrics in Modern Call Centers


The customer experience and agent performance go hand in hand. Over the years, contact centers have evolved solely from calling agencies to the digital media space. Live chat, email, and social media support have increased in numbers compared to regular voice-call assistance. The call center metrics and KPIs assist in creating an impact on the daily performance rate and customer satisfaction level. Positive customer feedback relies on the degree of service offered by call center leads.

The call center metrics weigh the agent’s performance level. The call center managers are using the metrics to induce team productivity. It is a concrete way to increase the numbers and enhance customer retention. 

Let’s dive into detailed information on contact center metrics to keep track of for long-term customers.

Customer Experience Metrics and KPIs 

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

The CSAT Score is one of the metrics used to measure customer loyalty. With the metrics, it is easy for the team in contact centers to identify the strong and weak areas where they can work in the future to multiply the number of customers.

Based on recent surveys, the average CSAT score for contact centers has reached around 89%.  Source

This high score suggests that most customers are delighted with call centers’ service.

Call Quality Score (QA Score)  

The QA Score is among other essential call center KPIs that measure the level of interaction between agent and customer through a scorecard. It lets the organization see and understand the reason behind the negative customer feedback. The call center managers listen to the interaction between the two parties and mark it on the scorecard. After giving the scores, the manager evaluates the whole conversation, settling on the complete performance trend. 

According to recent evaluations, the average QA score for contact centers remains high at around 90%.  Source

This indicates that agents maintain a high service quality standard during customer interactions.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

The Net Promoter Score is the ultimate metric solution used in contact centers. It measures customer loyalty over the long term. The metric gives the customer access to provide feedback via a survey. There are three categories of customers: promoters, passives, and detractors. It shows the areas to fix and boost the customer. 

As of the latest data, the average NPS for contact centers has improved to 45.  Source

This signifies a positive trend in customer loyalty and advocacy.

Customer Effort Scores (CES) 

The Customer effort score defines the hard work the customer puts in to reach the customer support team to resolve the query. After a few high-resolution purchases, the customer tends to shift to another brand. To lower the CES, the contact centers must connect them with the agents without hassle.

The latest average CES for contact centers is approximately 4.0 out of 5. Source

This indicates that most customers find it relatively easy to reach the customer support team and resolve their queries without much effort.

First Contact Resolution (FCR) 

The FCR is the call center metric where the agents resolve the query in the first attempt. It means that customer support solves the issue in one go and that the team works efficiently on the instances.

The industry data shows that the average First Contact Resolution (FCR) rate has increased to approximately 78%.  Source

This indicates that call centers are more efficient in resolving customer queries on the first attempt.

KPIs and Metrics for Tracking Agent Performance Level 

Some KPIs and Metrics directly enhance the role of the agents in resolving the queries efficiently. The agents work closely with the customers and resolve the inquiries in one or multiple attempts. And to enhance productivity and real-time performance, the KPIs mentioned will play an important role. To add value to the team, the managers use these metrics to calculate the workforce, shift hours, and annual performance ratings. 

Average Response Speed  

Call center metrics like this indicate the need for an average call time between agents and customers. 

According to the latest statistics, the average response speed for contact centers has decreased to 12 seconds.  Source

This reduction in waiting time highlights call centers’ efforts to provide prompt customer service.

Average Call Time 

The average conversation time is the duration between the agents and the prospect callers. To get the average call time, you divide the total handling time and hold time by the number of handled calls.

The latest data indicates that the average call time for contact centers is approximately 4 minutes and 15 seconds.  Source

This metric reflects the efficiency of agents in handling customer interactions.

In conclusion, call center KPIs play a pivotal role in assessing the performance and success of contact centers. By monitoring metrics such as customer satisfaction, first contact resolution, average call time, and agent performance, call center managers can identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall efficiency and customer experience. To streamline this process and further elevate call center performance, NEQQO QA software comes to the rescue. 

NEQQO QA software offers powerful tools for monitoring agent interactions, evaluating call quality, and tracking real-time KPIs. By leveraging NEQQO, call centers can streamline their quality assurance processes, gain valuable insights, and proactively address issues, leading to improved agent performance, higher customer satisfaction, and a more robust and successful call center operation. 


A good Net Promoter Score reflects a company’s dedication to customer satisfaction and loyalty. By understanding the factors that influence NPS scores and implementing effective strategies for improvement, businesses can unlock the secrets to a high NPS score and build lasting relationships with their customers. Remember, customer satisfaction is an ongoing journey, and each step taken toward enhancing the customer experience will yield significant long-term benefits for the company.

NEQQO supports call centers to automate workflows for  agent coaching and disputes. With built-in workflows, call centers can effectively drive agent coaching and audit escalations with customization options.  Learn More!

Unlocking the Secrets of a Good NPS Score


The ultimate goal of every customer support business is to provide high-end and satisfactory services to customers. However, building brand loyalty and retaining customers requires delivering high-quality services. Customers frequently talk about tremendous and negative experiences with others, generating word-of-mouth advertising. Such opinions are closely related to customer experiences.

Happy customers become loyal brand advocates  and contribute to a company’s growth and success. Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a powerful metric that measures customer satisfaction and loyalty, providing valuable insights into how well a business is performing in the eyes of its customers.

This blog post will dive deep into the secrets behind a good NPS score and explore strategies to unlock its full potential.

Understanding NPS (Net Promoter Score)

NPS is a customer satisfaction metric  gauges a customer’s willingness to recommend a company’s products or services to others. The NPS survey typically asks customers to rate their likelihood of recommending the company on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being “Not at all likely” and ten being “Extremely likely.” Based on their responses, customers are segmented into three categories:

Promoters (9–10):  These are devoted customers who had a positive experience and are inclined to refer the business to others.

Passives (7-8): Although passives are delighted customers, they need more promoters’ zeal. They are more susceptible to competitors’ offers or are not inclined to refer the products or services to others.

Detractors (0–6): Detractors are  unhappy customers  who are likely to spread negative word-of-mouth about the company and the products and services offered.

To calculate NPS, one must use the following formula

Promoters (in%) – Detractors (in%)
The resulting score can range from -100 to 100, with higher scores indicating more positive customer sentiment.

The Impact of a Good NPS Score

A high NPS score has a direct correlation with business success. It serves as a key performance indicator for customer loyalty and helps in the following ways:

Factors Influencing NPS Scores

Several factors influence a company’s NPS, which is crucial for unlocking a good NPS score. Some key elements include:

Strategies for Improving NPS Scores

To boost NPS scores, businesses must adopt a customer-centric approach and implement effective strategies that address customer needs and pain points. Here are some effective methods:

Apart from adopting the abovementioned strategies, companies must monitor the NPS regularly. This leads to an improvement in NPS. Companies can keep their NPS on an upward trajectory by:


A good Net Promoter Score reflects a company’s dedication to customer satisfaction and loyalty. By understanding the factors that influence NPS scores and implementing effective strategies for improvement, businesses can unlock the secrets to a high NPS score and build lasting relationships with their customers. Remember, customer satisfaction is an ongoing journey, and each step taken toward enhancing the customer experience will yield significant long-term benefits for the company.

NEQQO supports call centers to automate workflows for  agent coaching and disputes. With built-in workflows, call centers can effectively drive agent coaching and audit escalations with customization options.  Learn More!

Why Generation Z Choose to Chat over Traditional Customer Service 


Customers’ expectations have evolved in the constantly changing technological world we live in today. Quick and hassle-free solutions are what they seek, and long waiting times to speak with a customer service representative on the phone are no longer acceptable. With the rise of chat as a customer service platform, businesses have transformed how they engage with their customers.

This blog post will explore why new-gen customers prefer to chat over traditional customer service in call centers. From the convenience of instant messaging to the ability to multitask and the personalized experience it offers, we will delve into the reasons behind this shift and how businesses can adapt these quality monitoring metrics and KPIs to meet the changing expectations of their customers. So, if you are curious about the rise of chat and its impact on customer service, keep reading to discover the future of customer communication.

Measuring Quality Assurance Metrics for Optimal Customer Experience


It is essential to check the tone of delivery agents. Regarding an exceptional customer experience, polite interaction plays a crucial role in today’s fast, tech-savvy world, where instant communication is the norm due to the absence of time. Businesses are increasingly relying on chat platforms to connect with their customers.

On the other hand, a rude and unresponsive agent can leave customers feeling frustrated and ignored.

Around 90% of customers switch to new business services because of poor customer service

A positive chat tone also helps ensure effective communication and long-term customer retention. 

51% of consumers will likely stay with or buy again from a company if they offer live chat support.” ( Source )

The chat services in contact centers have led to high customer retention in the past few years. 


As a part of quality assurance with adherence to proper chat etiquette, agents project professionalism, empathy, and attentiveness, building customer trust and confidence. It helps to provide a consistent and strong brand image. Every customer interaction is an opportunity to reinforce the brand’s values and develop a positive impression.

The technical aspects of the quality analyst training process can help deliver high professionalism and ensure that each chat leaves a lasting positive impression on the customers.

“The overall customer satisfaction rate for a live chat around the globe is 83.1%.” ( Source )

The professional tone of agents develops a sense of advocacy among customers and induces brand sales in these years. 

Excellent Communication Skills

As a crucial part of QA in call centers, Effective Chat Communication is pivotal in today’s technical landscape. With increasing messaging apps, live support, and online customer service mediums, businesses can connect with customers in real time and provide exceptional services. 

One of the primary vital aspects of chat support is the ability to personalize interactions, unlike traditional modes of communication such as voice calls.

“Based on statistics, 95% of customers value thorough, high-quality support more than speed.”( Source )

Agents with excellent communication skills positively interact with customers and bring new customers to the call center business process.

Chat Response Duration 

In the digital world of call centers, every second counts. Customers expect quick communication channels, so chat has become popular. It offers a real-time, personalized interaction, allowing agents to address customer inquiries promptly. The prolonged wait time can lead to frustration and low customer satisfaction.

“According to reports, customers with a high satisfaction rate above 90% have a longer live chat, at least 11 minutes and 47 seconds.” 
 ( Source )

Therefore, agent support adheres to personal chat assistance and is more satisfactory than traditional customer service support. 

Time Spent on Resolving the Query

Understanding the query resolution time is crucial for optimizing chat support and ensuring a positive customer experience. Customers expect a timely resolution when they reach out with an unsolved query. The longer wait time frustrates the customer and leaves them unsatisfied.

“79% of businesses say that offering live chat has positively affected the call center business process, increasing sales.” ( Source )

It keeps track of the calls resolved and positively impacts the overall sales made by call centers. 

Two Cents

In conclusion, by practicing such QA in call center strategies, the business identifies opportunities for improvement in its chat support systems and processes. It could include drawbacks, critical reasons for downside workflows, and comprehensive ways to enhance efficiency and reduce response time.

NEQQO is a quality assurance technology designed to improve and manage call center KPIs effectively and with productivity. It is a comprehensive solution to streamline every aspect of the quality assurance process in call centers and assists in accessing critical customer queries to improve agent performance levels.

Essential Skills of a Call Center QA Analyst: A Comprehensive Guide


Quality Assurance (QA) Analysts are essential in ensuring that the highest standards are maintained while providing products and services. They are the custodians of quality, diligently testing and certifying every aspect of products and services to classify and address issues and bugs. As the business market continues to evolve, the role of QA Analysts has expanded, demanding various skills to meet the challenges of today’s complex and dynamic business landscape.

In this guide, we will learn why a call center QA Analyst is required and the essential skills every QA Analyst should possess to excel and deliver exceptional products and services.

Who is a QA Analyst?

A QA analyst ensures that customer interactions and overall customer service are maintained in a call center. This includes after-sales services as well. Their primary responsibility is to evaluate and assess the performance of call center agents  and the effectiveness of customer service processes.

A QA Analyst works in development teams to design and execute test plans and cases, identify and document defects, and communicate with the development team to fix them. They possess important qualities such as attention to detail, problem-solving, and communication abilities.

Why is a Call Center QA Analyst Required?

The presence of a QA Analyst in a call center is essential for several reasons, as their role significantly contributes to the success and effectiveness of the call center’s operations. Let’s explore the key reasons why a QA Analyst is needed in a call center:

Essential Skills of a Call Center QA Analyst


Becoming a skilled QA analyst is a journey that requires a diverse skill set and a commitment to continuous improvement. A call center always needs a QA Analyst to continuously grow and progress toward success. A skilled and proficient call center QA Analyst plays a vital role in maintaining brand value and achieving excellence in customer service.

The essential skills outlined in this guide lay the foundation for success in quality assurance. Possessing the listed critical skills enables QA Analysts to make a significant impact on the call center’s success by ensuring high-quality customer interactions, optimizing agent performance, improving operational efficiency, and contributing to the satisfaction of both customers and call center agents.

NEQQO is a versatile platform that offers a wide range of features designed to meet the needs of customer support businesses of all sizes. From its intuitive interface to its inbuilt support functionality,  NEQQO  provides a comprehensive solution for companies looking to streamline their operations and improve their bottom line.  See our product in action!

Mastering Call Center Operations: Key Metrics and KPIs to Track

Despite being complicated, the operational services provided by the call center are crucial to business growth. The metrics and KPIs track customer experience and improve group productivity. While it is complex to satisfy customer needs, well-structured standards improve performance and operational effectiveness.

The call center metrics provide a quantifiable way to assess customer service and agent productivity. The executives handling customer queries use metrics and KPIs to leverage their performance rates. The group completes its tasks and takes action to achieve the call center’s objectives. For a vast customer experience, the managers monitor the performance rate and focus on operational issues. Inbound and outbound call center outsourcing require metrics to track the number of calls made and received. 

Call Center Metrics and KPIs to Enhance Customer Experiences 

A satisfying customer experience has a significant long-term impact on the call center industry. The agent’s use of the right tone with customers highly impacts the user’s behavior towards the products or services. For longer customer retention, it is necessary to understand the complexity of queries and use metrics to resolve them accordingly.

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

First Contact Resolution (FCR) is the priority step for call center leaders. It is one of the first call center metrics on the list, as this measure ensures resolution the first time. Through FCR, the contact center leads to high customer satisfaction and solves queries in one call, reducing the cost-to-serve rate.

In both instances, in the first approach, the calls received and resolved at the first attempt create an FCR. It shows that the team is performing well and tackling the issue within the time frame. The second approach includes the number of calls resolved at the first attempt, excluding repeat calls. To calculate the FCR,

divide the total number of calls resolved on the first attempt by the number of calls received. Divide by the total number of calls resolved on the first attempt.” 

Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

The NPS is another metric used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. The customers rate the services on a 0–10 scale. The Promoters are the ones who provide the message with the highest rating and spread it among others. Passive customers are the ones who sometimes use the services and switch. The detractors are customers with the lowest reviews about the service.

“The total NPS is the difference between the percentage of customers who are promoters and those who are detractors.”

Customer Effort Score (CES) 

Like the NPS, the CES is a trustworthy metric. Here, it evaluates customer responses via a closed-ended survey method about the efforts put into resolving a query. The system tracks responses to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. The feedback can range from “low effort” to ‘very high effort. The rating scale uses numbers from five to seven. And to calculate the CES,

“find the difference between the percentages of agreeing and disagreeing.”

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) 

Among the popular call center KPIs and metrics, the Customer Satisfaction Score is one of them. This customer experience (CX) metric system is simple to evaluate, comprising a rating scale from 0 to 5. The lowest rating is 0, and the highest rating is 5. For accurate total scores, it is evident to use the highest ratings, which are 4 and 5, and assess the scores based on them. The feedback based on these scores is precise for calculating customer retention. To get the CSAT score,

“divide the number of satisfied customers by the number of survey responses multiplied by 100.”   

Inbound Call Metrics and KPIs 

Customers are making calls looking for a resolution on the first attempt. The metrics and KPIs can resolve issues within the deadline and attain positive customer feedback. The operation team can move towards the goal of contact centers and achieve it within the estimated time. The customer call initiation time reduces with the use of the metrics.

First Response Time (FCR) 

Customer time is precious. FRT metrics can reduce the wait time and gauge the amount of waiting time before connecting the call to the support agent. And to calculate the FRT, 

“The total NPS is the difference between the percentage of customers who are promoters and those who are detractors.”

Number of Blocked Calls

The metrics can calculate the number of blocked calls and record the data in the system for further usage. If there are a lot of declined calls, then it is evident that it is time to investigate the system and take adequate steps. For total calls blocked,

“divide the number of calls that agents didn’t attend by the total number of calls received, multiplied by 100.” 

Calls Abandoned 

The long waiting times could be more precise for the customers. The KPIs are tracking down the calls and keeping records of abandoned and disconnected calls. For calculating the number of calls ignored,  

“divide the difference between the number of calls offered and the number of calls handled by the number of calls made, multiplied by 100.” 

Active Call Waiting 

The metrics measure the amount of time the call is on hold. It keeps track of the missed calls and the calls the agents make.

Metrics and KPIs to Evaluate Performance Rate 

The call center KPIs and metrics keep tabs on the performance of the customer executives. The calls received and made have an impact on the performance rate. The leads and managers can identify real-time calls, pending calls, and closed instances and work on optimizing the goals.

Calls Handled

The KPIs handle the number of calls received and made. It records the number of calls made in an hour, a day, and a month.

Call Arrival Rate

The KPIs give an insight into the total number of calls. There are no unrecorded calls in the metric system. It records each call. And to Fcalculate the call arrival rate,

“find the total number of incoming calls in a specified time.” 

Peak Call Time

The metrics can calculate the peak call time by accessing the volume of the calls. The team leader prepares for peak hours by following the KPIs.

Average Hold Time

The KPIs also measure the longest hold time. Based on the call length, the performance impacts. For the average call time,

“divide the total call time for complete calls by the total number of calls.”

Query Age 

The metric helps identify how long it takes to find a solution. To find the Query Age,

“divide the sum of days or hours of open instances by the total number of cases.”

Number of Repeated Calls

The number of repeated calls lets companies understand the issues the agents didn’t solve in the first instance. Get the total number of repeated calls,

“by dividing the number of calls regarding specified queries by the total number of incoming calls.”   

Channel Mix 

Nowadays, there are multiple channels through which customers reach out with queries. The metrics and KPIs let companies access data across omnichannel, such as online and mobile. Live chatbots are one example.

KPIs to Measure Agent Productivity

The customer support agents handle the calls and resolve the queries efficiently. For smooth functioning, the metrics and KPIs must be evident.

Agent Utilization Rate

The call center KPIs are essential in measuring agent utilization too. The agents must take up the calls and solve them within the stipulated time. Get the Agent utilization rate by

“dividing the (average number of calls handled by agents in a month * average call handle time) by (working days in a month * working hours per day) multiplied by 100.” Source

Adherence to the Schedule

Adherence to the scheduled time means that the agents take up the maximum number of calls and utilize their on-the-job time. The KPIs impact the overall annual performance rate. To calculate the adherence to the schedule,

“divide the handling time plus available time by paid hours.” 

Response Speed

Call center outsourcing requires KPIs and metrics to be followed. It identifies the response speed of the call agents. Divide the total waiting time for attended calls by the total number of attended calls.

Two Cents: Metrics and KPIs for Contact Centers 

Monitoring the operational services is a crucial task for the contact centers. Metrics and KPIs are tools to access performance trends and customer experiences. Contact center interactions have a high impact on customer value and businesses. Call center managers require ample data to address opportunities and setbacks. The metrics ensure the tracking of every interaction between the agents and consumers.

The leading call center groups look beyond the single interaction and focus on ultimate customer satisfaction. The goal is to increase the number of customers in the long run. The survey and feedback are the media for understanding the customer’s behavioral patterns.

As the contact center’s operation is changing rapidly, it is evident to keep a close watch on the core metrics and KPIs. Though it is significant, choosing the right metrics is a must.

Are you ready to ramp up your internal Quality Assessment process? Let NEQQO assist you in creating a more efficient, productive, and positive work environment focused on improving customer service. Talk to one of our experts today!

Customer Service: Outsourcing vs. In-House: A Comparative Analysis


Providing exceptional customer service is essential in building and maintaining a thriving brand amidst the highly competitive business landscape. It is the cornerstone of building customer loyalty, satisfaction, and retention. As companies strive to deliver exceptional customer experiences, they often face a crucial decision: should they outsource their customer service operations or keep them in-house? 

This blog post will dive into the meaning, importance, benefits, and drawbacks of outsourcing and in-house customer service, allowing businesses to make informed decisions that align with their unique goals and objectives.

Understanding Customer Service

Customer service includes the range of activities undertaken by a company to support its customers before, during, and after a purchase. It involves addressing customer inquiries, assisting, resolving issues, and ensuring overall customer satisfaction. Effective customer service fosters positive customer relationships, enhances brand reputation, and contributes to long-term business growth.

Outsourcing Customer Service (OCS)

OCS involves partnering with a third-party service provider to handle customer interactions and support functions. This external entity accepts the responsibility for delivering customer service on behalf of the company, often through call centers, email support, live chat, or social media channels. Outsourcing enables companies to tap into the expertise and infrastructure of specialized service providers, relieving them of the burden of managing customer support internally.

Importance of OCS

OCS plays a significant role for businesses requiring a customer support team without establishing their support staff. Here are some of the critical impacts of OCS:

Benefits of OCS

OCS offers many benefits that can significantly impact a company’s operations and overall success. Here are some of the critical advantages of OCS:

Drawbacks of OCS

Apart from having significance and benefits, OCS also has some drawbacks, which are:

In-House Customer Service (IHCS)

Unlike outsourcing, IHCS involves establishing and managing a dedicated customer support department. This approach requires hiring, training, and retaining a team of customer service agents who directly interact with customers on behalf of the company.

Importance of IHCS

IHCS gives businesses complete control over the customer support process and fosters closer integration between customer service and other departments. Some of the critical implications of IHCS are:

Benefits of IHCS

IHCS provides various benefits that can impact a company’s workings and overall growth. Here are some of the critical advantages of IHCS:

Drawbacks of IHCS

As we’ve already discussed the importance and benefits of IHCS, here are some of the cons:


Choosing between outsourcing and in-house customer service is critical for any business. While both options have their strengths and weaknesses, the choice ultimately depends on the company’s needs, goals, and resources. Outsourcing offers cost savings, scalability, and access to expertise, while in-house customer service provides brand alignment, direct control, and personalized experiences.

Ultimately, finding the right balance is the key. Companies may find it beneficial to outsource certain aspects of customer service while keeping strategic functions in-house. For others, an entirely in-house approach may be the ideal choice. Regardless of the chosen path, businesses must prioritize delivering outstanding customer service, as it remains an indispensable element in today’s competitive market, driving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term success.

Are you ready to ramp up your internal Quality Assessment process? Let NEQQO assist you in creating a more efficient, productive, and positive work environment focused on improving customer service.

Talk to one of our experts today!

The Power of Happy Customers: Enhancing Customer Support Business


In the rapidly evolving business world, one thing remains constant: the customer is king. Companies across the market strive to meet the continuously changing demands of their customers, but the key to success lies in satisfying them and creating happy customers. Happy customers are the lifeblood of any business, and their impact on the customer support industry cannot be underestimated.

In this blog post, we will explore who happy customers are, what makes them happy, and their profound influence on the customer support business.

Who are Happy Customers?

To understand happy customers, we must first define them. Happy customers are pleased with a company’s goods or services. They are not just satisfied; they go beyond expectations and feel a sense of delight and fulfillment. Happy customers are loyal, vocal advocates of a brand, and their satisfaction is crucial for building long-term success.

As per an external survey report,  91%  of the customers have stated that they are more inclined to make another purchase after receiving good customer service.

Similarly,  78%  of customers have said that they will overlook a company’s mistake if they receive outstanding service.

Customer Satisfaction (CS) vs. Customer Happiness (CH)

Although they are different, CH and CS are frequently used synonymously. CS and CH are essential metrics businesses use to gauge the level of contentment and loyalty among their customers. However, they differ in scope, depth, and the emotional aspects they encompass. Let’s delve into the distinctions between CS and CH:

Customer satisfaction refers to the degree to which customers are pleased with a product, service, or overall experience with a company. It is a transactional and more objective metric that assesses whether a customer’s expectations were met. Customer satisfaction focuses on fulfilling basic requirements and delivering on promised benefits.

On the other hand,  customer happiness  is a more reflective and emotional connection between the customer and the brand. It goes beyond transactional aspects and delves into the customer’s emotional well-being and delight. A happy customer feels a strong emotional bond with the company and perceives the brand as more than just a service provider.

Identifying Happy Customers

Identifying happy customers requires a multi-dimensional approach. Businesses can leverage various metrics to gauge customer happiness levels, including customer surveys, feedback, and online reviews. Furthermore, tracking customer retention rates, repeat purchases, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations can provide valuable insights into identifying happy customers.

Happy customers are likelier to continue patronizing and recommending a company to others.

Measuring Customer Happiness

To enhance customer support efforts and understand the impact of customer happiness, businesses need to adopt robust methods to measure and gauge customer satisfaction levels. Some  standard metrics  used for this purpose include:

What Makes a Customer Happy?

Understanding what makes customers happy is vital for businesses to improve customer support efforts. We’ve listed some of the critical factors that contribute to customer happiness, which are:

The Impact of Happy Customers on the Customer Support Business

The influence of happy customers on the customer support  business cannot be overstated. Here are some ways satisfied customers impact this crucial aspect of business operations:

Provide Continuous Learning Opportunities:   Remote agents, like any other employee, need continuous learning and professional development opportunities. Here are some of the strategies which the managers can adopt:


Happy customers lie at the heart of a thriving customer support business. Any company that wants to succeed in today’s cutthroat business world must thoroughly understand its customers, including who they are, what makes them happy, and their impact on their growth. By investing in exceptional customer service, delivering high-quality products, creating seamless experiences, and personalizing interactions, businesses can foster customer happiness, increasing loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and sustained growth. 

Embracing the power of happy customers is a recipe for success and a way to build strong and lasting relationships that benefit both businesses and customers alike.

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Managing Remote Agents: A Complete Guide


The workplace landscape has significantly transformed recently, with remote work becoming more prevalent. With the rise of the COVID pandemic, businesses were forced to move from onsite to remote work. Moreover, with the increase in technology and the need for flexibility, organizations have tapped into a global talent pool, allowing employees to work from anywhere. As a result, managing remote agents has become a crucial skill for leaders and managers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the critical aspects of managing remote agents, their challenges, and their solutions, which include establishing clear communication channels and fostering a culture of trust and accountability. Let’s dive in!

Defining Remote Agents

In the context of this guide, remote agents refer to employees or team members who work remotely or from a location outside of a traditional office setting. These individuals may work from home, in co-working spaces, or elsewhere. They rely on digital tools and communication technologies to work and collaborate with their colleagues.

Remote agents often have flexible schedules and the autonomy to manage their tasks and deliverables while still being accountable to their managers and the organization’s goals. “remote agents” can be used interchangeably with remote workers, virtual team members, or telecommuters.

Challenges of Remote Working

Managing remote workers can present a unique set of challenges for managers. While remote work offers flexibility and various benefits, managers must adapt their management style and overcome certain obstacles.

Here are some common challenges faced by managers when working with remote agents:

Overcoming the Challenges

Overcoming these challenges requires proactive management strategies. With the right approach and tools, managers can successfully navigate these obstacles and foster a productive and engaged remote team.

We’ve listed some strategies managers can adopt to overcome remote working challenges and operate efficiently. These strategies are:

Emphasize Clear Communication:  Remote work heavily relies on effective communication channels to bridge the gap between managers and remote agents. Implementing the following strategies can ensure seamless and transparent communication: 

Build Trust and Accountability:Trust and accountability are essential to remote management. Here are some strategies to foster these qualities among remote agents:

Cultivate a Sense of Belonging:  Remote work can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection. Agents can feel disconnected, leading to a fall in their productivity. To overcome these challenges and build a strong sense of belonging, consider the following strategies:

Provide Continuous Learning Opportunities:   Remote agents, like any other employee, need continuous learning and professional development opportunities. Here are some of the strategies which the managers can adopt:

Prioritize Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for remote agents’ well-being and productivity. Consider these strategies to support work-life integration:

Embrace Technology and Infrastructure: Technological tools and infrastructure hold a significant place in the day-to-day operations of a remote worker. Agents needed the required technology and infrastructure to meet their set targets efficiently. Consider these strategies:


Effectively managing remote agents requires a proactive approach to communication, trust-building, fostering a sense of belonging, continuous learning, and prioritizing work-life balance. By implementing the strategies discussed in this guide, organizations can ensure remote agents feel supported, engaged, and empowered, increasing productivity, satisfaction, and overall success. Embrace the remote work revolution and master the art of managing remote agents to unlock the full potential of your organization in the digital age. Adaptability, effective leadership, and a focus on open communication and collaboration will lead to successfully navigating the complexities of managing remote agents.

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