Skill-based Routing: How Contact Centers Can Benefit from it?


Customer experience has become a key differentiator for companies in the last few years. Customers expect quick solutions to their problems, and contact centers are crucial in meeting these expectations. But with the increasing volume of customer interactions across multiple channels, it becomes challenging for contact centers to ensure that customers relate to the most suitable agent to handle their issues. This is where skill-based routing comes in, allowing contact centers to route calls to the most skilled and available agents, ensuring their performance is optimized with enhanced customer satisfaction.

In this blog post, we will learn more about skill-based routing, how it works, and its benefit to contact centers.

What is Skill-Based Routing?

Skill-based routing is a process that allows contact centers to match customers with the most suitable agents based on the skills required to handle their inquiries or issues. This routing process is typically based on the agent’s skill set and expertise, ensuring that customers relate to agents who can provide them with the best possible solutions.

Skill-based routing is accomplished using Automatic Call Distributors (ACDs) that can identify the skills and availability of agents and then route calls to the most appropriate agent. ACDs can also use customer data such as their history, account type, or even their preferred language to ensure that they relate to the right agent.

How does Skill-based Routing Work?

As we know that skill-based routing is a technology that is designed to work by analyzing incoming queries and leading them to the most suitable available agent. It is essential to know more about the steps involved in skill-based routing. These steps are:

Identification of Agent Skills: efore implementing skill-based routing, the company must identify the skills required to handle different types of customers and their queries. The skills can be related to product knowledge, language proficiency, technical expertise, and soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving.

Routing Rules: Once the skills are identified, the company sets up routing rules in the automated system that match the customer query to the appropriate agent. The routing rules can be based on various criteria, such as customer preferences, query type, agent availability, and priority level.

Incoming Query Analysis: When an incoming query is received, the automated system analyzes the query based on the established routing rules. The system looks at various factors, such as the query type, language, customer preference, and priority level, to determine which agent best handles the query.

Agent Selection: Based on the analysis, the system selects the most appropriate agent for the query and routes the query to that agent. The system can use various methods to determine agent availability, such as queue management, time-based routing, or real-time availability monitoring.

Agent Response: Once the query is routed to the agent, the agent can view the customer details and query information on their screen. The agent can then respond to the query based on their skills and expertise, using various tools such as knowledge bases, scripts, and chatbots.

Query Resolution: The agent resolves the query based on their expertise, using the available resources and tools. If the agent cannot resolve the query, they can transfer the query to another agent with the required skills.

Follow-up: Once the query is resolved, the agent can follow up with the customer to ensure their query has been resolved satisfactorily.

Benefits of Skill-Based Routing

As we have learned some facts about skill-based routing, this technology is essential in the operations of a successful contact center. Skill-based routing can provide numerous benefits for contact centers, including:

Increased First Contact Resolution (FCR)

Customers become agitated when their issues must be resolved at first contact. Therefore, it is essential to resolve the problems quickly. With skill-based routing, customers relate to agents with the skills and expertise to handle their problems, resulting in higher FCR rates. This can improve customer satisfaction, increasing loyalty and dependency on the company.

Improved Agent Efficiency

Skill-based routing ensures that agents are assigned calls based on their skill set, enabling them to handle calls more efficiently, resulting in higher first-call resolution rates and reduced handling times. This can lead to agents handling more calls and improving their overall productivity, ultimately reducing costs for the contact center.

Reduced Agent Turnover

By matching agents with the types of calls they excel at handling, skill-based routing can help reduce the stress and frustration that agents may experience when handling calls that are outside their expertise. This can lead to improved job satisfaction, reduced agent turnover rates, and reduced associated costs of recruitment and training.

Scalability and Flexibility

Skill-based routing is scalable and flexible, making it suitable for all sizes and complexities of contact centers. It can be easily customized to fit the specific needs of the contact center, including the number of agents, channels, and departments. Skill-based routing also enables contact centers to adjust to changing business needs and seasonal demands, such as hiring additional agents during peak periods.

Personalized Customer Service

Nowadays, customers want personalized services which make them feel special. The same is adopted by skill-based routing as it allows contact centers to match customers with agents who speak their language or have specific knowledge about their account or history. This can result in a more personalized and practical customer service experience, ultimately improving the customer satisfaction rate.

Increased Cross-Selling and Up-Selling Opportunities

Contact centers can increase cross-selling and up-selling opportunities by matching customers with agents with the skills and knowledge to offer additional products or services. Cross-selling is a method in which the agents provide information about other products or services, which can add value to the customer experience. Up-selling is when agents suggest upgrades or add-ons to improve customer service.

Real-Time Reporting and Analytics

Skill-based routing provides valuable data insights that can be used to improve contact center performance. By analyzing the routing data, contact centers can identify areas of improvement in agent training, process optimization, and customer experience. This enables contact centers to make data-driven decisions that drive business results.

Multichannel Support

Skill-based routing can be applied to different communication channels, including voice, email, chat, social media, etc. This enables contact centers to provide a seamless customer experience across multiple channels, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased Revenue

Skill-based routing can increase revenue. Companies can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing customers with faster and more accurate responses to their issues, leading to increased sales and revenue. Additionally, by reducing the overall handling time for each query, agents can handle more queries per hour, which can increase the overall capacity of the customer service team to handle incoming questions.

Better Resource Allocation

Skill-based routing can also help companies to allocate their resources appropriately. By analyzing incoming queries and matching them to agents with the appropriate skills, companies can better understand the most common queries types and the necessary skills to handle them. This can help companies allocate their resources more efficiently, ensuring they have the correct number of agents with the right skills to handle incoming queries.

Reduced Training Costs

Skill-based routing can reduce training costs. By matching agents with queries that suit their skills, companies can reduce the time and money spent on training agents to handle a wide range of questions. This can reduce the training time and costs required for new agents and ongoing training costs for existing agents.

Increased Efficiency

Skill-based routing can increase the Efficiency of customer service operations. By matching incoming queries to agents with the appropriate skills, companies can reduce the number of transfers and callbacks required to resolve issues. This reduces the overall handling time for each query and enables agents to handle more per hour. This, in turn, can help reduce customer wait times, a critical factor in customer satisfaction.


In conclusion, skill-based routing is a powerful tool to help contact centers provide better customer service, increase agent productivity, and optimize call center resources. By skill-based routing, contact centers can ensure incoming calls and requests are routed to the most qualified agent based on their skill set and expertise. The benefits of skill-based routing include faster resolution times, higher customer satisfaction, increased agent productivity, and improved call center efficiency. Overall, implementing skill-based routing is a valuable investment for contact centers looking to improve their operations and deliver better customer service.

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Agent Attrition, its Causes, Impacts, and Ways to Reduce Agent Attrition


In the call center industry, agent attrition is a persistent problem that can cause significant damage to a business. It is defined as the rate employees leave the call center organization. Various factors, such as dissatisfaction with the work environment, low pay, a lack of growth opportunities, and poor management, can cause it. Agent attrition is one of the biggest challenges call centers to face today. It can have a significant impact on the performance of the call center, as well as the overall customer experience.

Agent attrition can be costly for call centers, requiring significant resources to recruit, train, and onboard new agents. Moreover, it can also negatively impact customer experience and satisfaction as new agents may not be as experienced and skilled as the ones who left. In this blog post, we will explore the causes and impact of agent attrition on call centers and provide practical strategies to reduce it.

Causes of Agent Attrition

Nowadays, the business world is getting very competitive, and such competitiveness impacts agent retention. However, there are various reasons why agents want to leave your business. These reasons are:

Lack of Job Satisfaction

One of the primary reasons for agent attrition is a need for job satisfaction. Call center agents often face high stress and pressure, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction with their job. Many agents feel their job could be more varied and need more control. This lack of satisfaction can result in agents seeking employment elsewhere.

Inadequate Training

Another significant cause of agent attrition is inadequate training. Call center agents must have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job effectively. However, if they do not receive proper training, they may not be able to handle customer queries or complaints adequately. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction, eventually resulting in attrition.

Poor Management

Poor management can also be a cause of agent attrition. If agents feel that they need to receive the support and guidance they need from their managers, they may become disengaged from their work. Managers who are not approachable or who do not provide constructive feedback or recognition can contribute to a negative work environment that may cause agents to leave.

Limited Career Advancement

Agents who feel there is limited potential for career advancement within the call center may seek opportunities elsewhere. Many call center agents aspire to progress to higher positions, such as team lead or supervisor. However, they may feel encouraged and leave for other opportunities if they see a clear path to advancement.

Lack of Work-Life Balance

An overburdened work life has an impact on the agent’s personal life. It is essential to focus on balancing your professional and personal lives. Agents may leave their jobs if they feel their work-life balance is poor and their job negatively impacts their personal lives. Therefore, managers must ensure that the call center agents are not overburdened with work.

Impact of Agent Attrition on Call Centers

Agent attrition can significantly impact call centers and their performance in multiple ways. When agents leave, they take the knowledge, skills, and experience they have gained while working in the call center. Here are a few ways that agent attrition can impact call centers:

Costly Recruitment and Training

Recruiting and training new agents is costly, time-consuming, and resource intensive. Call centers must spend a significant amount of time and money to find suitable candidates and train them on call center procedures, customer service, and product knowledge. Call centers must repeat the process when agents leave, leading to additional costs.

Lower Employee Morale and Productivity

Frequent agent attrition can also negatively impact employee morale and productivity. When agents leave, it can create a sense of instability and uncertainty among the remaining agents, leading to lower confidence and job satisfaction. This can ultimately lead to decreased productivity and performance.

Reduced Customer Satisfaction

Agent attrition can also negatively impact customer satisfaction. New agents may have a different level of experience and knowledge than the agents who left, leading to a lower quality of customer service. This can lead to negative customer feedback, reduced customer loyalty, and lower customer retention rates.

Ways to Reduce Call Center’s Agent Attrition

While it may not be possible to eliminate agent attrition, there are steps that call centers can take to protect themselves from it. Reducing agent attrition is critical to the success of any call center.

Here are some strategies to help protect your call center from attrition:

Hire the Right People

The first step to reducing agent attrition is to hire the right people for the job. This involves looking for candidates with the right skills, personality traits, and work experience. Call centers should also look for candidates who are passionate about customer service and have a strong work ethic.

Provide Adequate Training

Providing adequate training is essential for reducing agent attrition. Call centers should invest in training programs that help agents develop the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. This can include product, customer service, and call center procedures training. This training should cover not only the technical aspects of the job but also soft skills such as communication and customer service. Additionally, agents should have access to ongoing coaching and support from managers to help them improve their performance and feel valued.

Provide Competitive Compensation and Benefits

Providing modest compensation and benefits is essential to attract and retaining high-quality agents. Call centers should offer salaries that are competitive with other call centers in the industry and provide benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans.

Develop a Positive Work Environment

Developing a positive work environment is essential for reducing attrition. Call centers ensure their agents have a comfortable and supportive work environment that promotes employee engagement, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. This includes providing a comfortable workplace, a positive culture, and career advancement opportunities.

Provide Opportunities for Career Advancement

Providing opportunities for career advancement can help retain high-performing agents and reduce attrition rates. This can include promotions to higher positions within the call center and opportunities to take on new responsibilities and projects. Providing agents with purpose and career growth can increase job satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Recognize and Reward High-Performing Agents

Recognizing and rewarding high-performing agents can help boost morale and motivation, lowering attrition rates. Call centers should implement an employee recognition program that rewards agents for their performance, such as bonuses, promotions, and public recognition.

Provide the Latest Tools and Technologies

Nowadays, most businesses operate their day-to-day operations digitally. Therefore, it becomes necessary that your call center is actively using the new tools and technologies available on the market. Agents must have the latest tools and technologies to eliminate mundane tasks through automation and make their work smooth. Also, the new tools and techs make their work easier and save time so that the agents can use the saved time for other tasks.


From the outlined factors, it is easily understandable that agents are an essential part of every call center business. Therefore, businesses must ensure that the agents are satisfied at the workplace. As agents handle aggravated customers and their issues, they must have proper training, resources, and an environment to perform well. Also, agents must have new tools and technologies to meet their goals. One such tool is NEQQO, where agents can track multiple metrics, increase productivity, improve the customer experience, and maintain compliance. Book a quick demo now.


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Customer Service Evaluation: 12 Metrics to Monitor


In today’s competitive business environment, customer service is critical to a successful business and its growth. The quality of customer service can make or break a company’s reputation and determine its ability to retain customers in the long run. Companies must provide high-quality customer service to maintain loyalty and grow their customer base. However, more than providing excellent customer service is required. Companies must also monitor and evaluate their customer service metrics to ensure they meet their customer’s needs and expectations.

In this blog post, we will discuss 12 essential customer service metrics that companies should monitor to evaluate the effectiveness of their customer service operations.

1. First Contact Resolution (FCR)

FCR is a critical metric that measures the percentage of customer issues resolved during their initial contact with the customer service team. This metric is important because it reflects the customer service team’s efficiency and ability to resolve customer issues quickly. A high FCR rate indicates that the customer service team is well-trained, knowledgeable, and empowered to solve customer problems, which can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the workload on the customer service team. FCR can also help them identify trends and patterns in the types of issues customers are contacting them about.

When customers contact a company with an issue, they expect a quick and convenient resolution to their problem. They may become frustrated and dissatisfied with the company’s service if they cannot resolve their issue during their first contact. This can lead to negative word-of-mouth, lost sales, and even lost customers.

Ask customers if their issue was resolved during their first contact with the company. If the customer answers “yes,” the contact is considered a first contact resolution. If the customer responds “no,” the contact is not considered a first contact resolution.

2. Response Time

Response time is the time it takes for a customer service agent to respond to a customer inquiry or request. This metric is essential as customers expect a quick response when they contact customer service. Response times can lead to satisfaction and irritation, damaging the customer’s relationship with the company. Companies should set specific response time goals for their customer service team and monitor their performance to ensure they meet these goals.

Response time can be measured through various channels like email, phone, chat, and social media. Depending on the track, response time benchmarks may vary, but in general, customers expect a timely response regardless of the channel they use. By monitoring response times and taking steps to improve them, companies can increase customer satisfaction rate, loyalty, and retention.

3. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score

CSAT is a metric that measures how satisfied customers are with the service they receive from the customer service team. Companies can use surveys or feedback forms to collect CSAT scores from customers. A high CSAT score indicates that the customer service team is meeting the needs and expectations of customers. A low CSAT score suggests areas for improvement in customer service operations.

Companies typically ask customers to rate their satisfaction with a specific interaction or overall experience to measure CSAT, usually on a scale from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. Customers can also provide open-ended feedback to provide more context around their rating. Moreover, CSAT can be measured through various channels, including email surveys, phone surveys, in-app surveys, and social media polls. Companies can use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and take steps to address customer concerns.

4. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS is a metric that measures how likely customers are to recommend the company to others. Companies can use surveys or feedback forms to collect NPS scores from customers. A high NPS score indicates that customers are satisfied with the service they receive and are likely to recommend the company to others. A low NPS score suggests that issues with the customer service operation need to be addressed.

To calculate NPS, companies typically ask customers to rate on a scale from 0 to 10 how likely they are to recommend the company’s product or service to a friend or colleague. Customers are then categorized into three groups:

The NPS can be calculated by deducting the detractors’ percentage from the promoters’.

By measuring NPS and taking steps to improve it, companies can improve customer loyalty and advocacy, ultimately leading to increased revenue and business success.

5. Abandonment Rate

The abandonment rate can be defined as the rate of abandoned customer queries before getting resolved. This metric is important because it provides businesses with an understanding of how frustrated customers are with the support process. High abandonment rates indicate customers experiencing long wait times or needing help reaching customer service agents. Companies should monitor their abandonment rates and take steps to reduce them, such as increasing staffing levels or improving their self-service options.

Companies typically track the number of customers who hang up while waiting on hold or leave a chat session before their issue is resolved to calculate the abandonment rate. They divide that number by the total number of attempted contacts.

6. Average Handle Time (AHT)

AHT is the average time a customer service agent takes to handle a customer inquiry or request. AHT is an essential metric because it reflects the efficiency of the customer service team and can impact customer satisfaction. A high AHT can indicate that customer service agents take too long to resolve customer issues, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.

To calculate AHT, companies typically measure the time it takes for an agent to handle a customer inquiry, including the time spent talking with the customer, placing the customer on hold, and any additional time spent resolving the issue after the call has ended. Companies then divide this time by the total number of calls handled to arrive at the AHT.

7. Customer Effort Score (CES)

CES is a metric that measures how easy or difficult it is for customers to resolve their issues with the company. Companies can use surveys or feedback forms to collect CES from customers. A high CES indicates that customers can resolve their problems quickly, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customers are typically asked to rate their experience immediately after interacting with customer service through a follow-up survey or as part of a post-call or post-chat evaluation.

8. Repeat Contact Rate (RCR)

RCR is a metric that measures the percentage of customer inquiries or requests that require multiple contacts with the customer service team to resolve. A higher RCR is better, as it indicates that your customers are more likely to do business with you again.

To calculate RCR, companies typically measure the number of customers who contact customer service more than once to resolve their issues. Then, they divide this number by the total number of inquiries handled. RCR can be measured through various channels, including phone calls, live chat, and email.

9. Customer Retention Rate (CRR)

CRR is a measure of customer loyalty. It is calculated by dividing the number of customers you retain over a given period by the total number of customers you had at the beginning. A higher CRR is better, indicating that your customers are more likely to stick with you over time. It can also suggest that the company meets or exceeds customer expectations and provides a positive customer experience.

To calculate CRR, companies typically measure the number of customers who continue to do business with the company over a specified period and then divide this number by the total customers at the beginning. CRR can be measured over different periods, such as a month, a quarter, or a year.

10. Average Wait Time (AWT)

AWT is when customers wait on hold or in a queue before speaking to a customer service agent. This metric is important because it helps businesses understand how long customers will wait for support. A high AWT could indicate that customers are frustrated and may want to avoid doing business with the company.

11. Service Level Agreement (SLA)

SLA measures how long it takes for your support team to respond to customer inquiries. This metric is essential because it sets customer expectations and ensures that your support team meets those expectations. A high SLA can negatively impact the customer satisfaction rate.

SLA includes multiple elements such as:

Availability refers to the hours during which the service provider is available to respond to customer inquiries or issues. The SLA may specify the hours of availability and any exceptions or contingencies for extended downtime or maintenance.

Quality Standards: This refers to the specific quality standards that the service provider must meet to deliver customer service at a high level of quality. These may include metrics such as CSATs, first-call resolution rates, or AHTs.

It also includes elements like response and resolution time.

Overall, an SLA is a critical component of customer service evaluation as it provides a clear framework for both the service provider and the customer to ensure that expectations are met and that high-quality service is delivered.

12. Churn Rate

Churn rate is a term that provides the percentage of customers who quit doing business with your company over a specific time. It’s a crucial metric to monitor as it can help companies evaluate the effectiveness of their customer service operations and identify areas for improvement.

To calculate the churn rate, companies typically measure the number of customers who stop doing business with the company over a specified period and then divide this number by the total number of customers at the beginning. The churn rate can be measured over different periods, such as a month, a quarter, or a year.

A high churn rate can indicate that customers are unsatisfied with the products or services offered by the company, the level of customer service they receive, or other factors such as pricing or competition. It can also suggest that the company needs to meet or exceed customer expectations and provide a positive customer experience.


Customer service evaluation is a critical aspect of business success, as it can help companies identify areas for improvement and provide a better customer experience. By improving these metrics, companies can build strong customer relationships, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately increase revenue and business success. It’s important to note that these metrics are interconnected and can impact each other, so taking a holistic approach to customer service evaluation is essential.

Furthermore, companies should continuously monitor and evaluate these metrics, take proactive steps to improve customer service operations, and adapt to changing customer needs and preferences.

Call Escalation- Types and Ways to Reduce It


In today’s fast-paced business environment, customer service is essential to any successful enterprise. However, even with the most efficient customer service team in place, there will be times when customers’ queries or complaints can only be resolved after some time. This is where call escalation comes into play. Call escalation is an essential process in customer service used when a customer’s problem is complex or when the initial support agent does not have the necessary skills or authority to resolve the issue.

This blog post will discuss call escalation, its types, and ways to reduce it.

What is “Call Escalation”?

Call escalation refers to transferring a customer’s call to a higher-level agent or supervisor with more expertise or authority to handle the issue. Escalation can happen for several reasons, i.e., when the customer’s problem is too complicated, the agent doesn’t have the authority to make decisions, or the customer’s frustration level is high.

Call escalation aims to ensure that the customer’s issue is resolved promptly. When a customer’s problem is escalated, the escalated support agent may also have access to additional resources or tools that the initial support agent did not have.

Call escalation can also transfer the customer’s call to another department or team better equipped to handle the issue. This may include transferring the call to a specialized team dealing with specific problems, such as technical support or billing.

The call escalation process should be clearly defined and communicated to all support agents to resolve customer issues quickly and efficiently. Proper training and communication can minimize the need for call escalation and improve the overall customer support experience.

Types of Call Escalation

Functional Escalation: Functional escalation is when a customer’s call is transferred to a higher authority within the same department. For example, a customer service representative might escalate a call to their supervisor if they cannot satisfactorily resolve the customer’s issue. This type of escalation ensures that someone with more experience or authority handles the customer’s problem.

Hierarchical Escalation: Hierarchical escalation is when a customer’s call is transferred to a higher authority in a different department. For example, a customer service representative might escalate a call to the sales department if the customer’s issue is related to sales. This type of escalation ensures that someone with the right expertise handles the customer’s problem.

Systematic Escalation: Systematic escalation is when a customer’s call is automatically escalated to a higher authority after a certain amount of time or if a certain threshold is reached. For example, if a customer’s issue has not been resolved within a specific time, the call might be automatically escalated to a higher authority. This type of escalation ensures that the customer’s issue is handled promptly.

Customer-initiated Escalation: Customer-initiated escalation is when a customer requests that their call be escalated to a higher authority. For example, if a customer is dissatisfied with the service they are receiving from a representative, they might request to speak to a supervisor. This type of escalation ensures that the customer’s issue is taken seriously.

Priority Escalation: As the name suggests, in this escalation, the issues or queries are escalated based on the priority of the problems. If the issue resolution is urgent, then the call will be escalated to a higher level quickly. For example, calls involving issues related to late delivery, IT, health emergencies, etc., are high-level priority calls that must be transferred promptly.

Ways to Reduce Call Escalation

Provide Adequate Training: One of the main reasons for call escalation is a lack of training. Customer service agents should be provided adequate training to handle different customer issues. The training should include product knowledge, customer service skills, and technical expertise. Organizations can also offer specialized training to the agents based on their areas of improvement. Even after delivering such training, organizations must ensure that continuous training programs are developed for the skill development of the agents.

Empower Customer Service Agents: Customer service agents should be empowered to make decisions and provide customer solutions. This will reduce the need for managerial escalation and improve customer satisfaction. This can be done by providing them with the required authority, keeping them motivated, offering rewards for good performance, etc.

Implement a Knowledge Management System: A knowledge management system can help a customer service agent access information quickly and easily. This will reduce the need for technical escalation and improve the speed of issue resolution. Organizations can use digital tools or software with the information the agents require.

Implement a Tiered Support System: A tiered support system involves dividing support agents into different levels based on their experience and skills. More experienced and skilled agents handle more complex issues, while less experienced agents handle more straightforward cases. This system can help reduce call escalation by ensuring the right agent is assigned to the right problem, improving first-call resolution rates.

Implement Self-service Options: Self-service options such as FAQs, interactive voice responses (IVR), and chatbots can help customers find solutions to common issues without needing a customer service representative. This will reduce the need for managerial escalation and improve the speed of issue resolution, resulting in a positive customer experience.

Providing customers with self-service options, such as a knowledge base, FAQs, and video tutorials, can help them resolve issues without contacting support.

Proactively Address Common Issues: Proactively addressing common issues can help prevent customers from encountering problems in the first place, reducing the need for call escalation. This can be achieved by providing customers with tips, best practices, and product updates. Organizations can identify common issues by monitoring the interactions between customers and agents.

Provide Agents with Better Tools and Resources: Providing support agents with access to better tools and resources, such as a knowledge base, scripts, and FAQs, can help them resolve issues more efficiently. This will reduce the need for call escalation and improve the overall customer experience. This also includes providing them with new tools and technologies occasionally.

Improve Communication Channels: Companies should provide multiple communication channels for customers to contact them. This can include phone, email, chat, and social media. Providing various channels will reduce the need for call escalation and improve customer satisfaction.

Analyze Call Data: Analyzing call data can help companies identify patterns and trends in customer issues. Digital tools can be used for recording and analyzing data to identify the most common or unexpected customer problems. This will allow them to proactively address these concerns and reduce the need for call escalation.

Implement a Call Escalation Policy: Companies should have a call escalation policy outlining the process for handling customer issues. This will ensure that all customer service agents are on the same page and reduce confusion and the need for call escalation.

Monitor Customer Feedback: Monitoring customer feedback can help companies identify and address common issues before they become more significant problems. This will reduce the need for call escalation and enhance customer satisfaction.

Continuously Improve the support process: Organizations should constantly evaluate and improve the support process to reduce call escalation. This can involve collecting customer feedback, reviewing call data, and implementing necessary changes.

Provide Excellent Customer Service: Excellent customer service can help reduce call escalation by resolving issues quickly and efficiently. By going above and beyond to meet customer needs, organizations can build trust and loyalty, reducing the likelihood of customers needing to escalate calls.


Call escalation is a common practice in customer service and support. It is done to ensure that the customer receives the best possible service and support. However, it can be frustrating for the customer and costly and time-consuming for the company. Implementing the strategies outlined in this blog post can help companies reduce call escalation and improve customer satisfaction.

Call Center Assessments: How to Create Great Ones?


To grow and succeed in a competitive and aggressive market, businesses must continuously improve their operations and performance. For this, businesses use different methods, one of which is assessing the employees or simply conducting assessments.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss call center assessment, its importance, and how to create excellent assessments that provide accurate and actionable feedback to agents and managers alike.

What is Call Center Assessment?

These assessments provide valuable information on individual agents’ performance and the call center’s overall effectiveness. To ensure that excellent customer service is delivered, it is crucial to have an effective assessment process in place. A practical call center assessment is not only about measuring the performance of the agents but also about identifying areas of improvement and providing them with feedback to enhance their skills.

Importance of Call Center Assessment

It is essential for the success of a business that assessments are conducted from time to time. This ensures that the performance of the agents and business objectives are consistent with each other. There are various reasons why assessments must be conducted, and these reasons are:

Ways to Create Great Call Center Assessments

It plays a crucial role in improving the quality of customer service, increasing efficiency, and ensuring compliance. There are multiple ways to develop assessments which are as follows:

1. Determine the Goals of the Assessment

Before creating a call center assessment, it’s essential to determine the goals of the assessment. What is it that you want to measure and identify? Is it agent performance? Customer satisfaction? Call handling time? Or the call center’s performance? Once you have identified the goals of the assessment, you can begin to develop the criteria that will be used to evaluate agents.

2. Develop Clear and Specific Evaluation Criteria

Call center assessments should use clear and specific criteria to evaluate agents consistently and fairly. Standards should be based on the goals of the assessment and should be measurable. For example, if the goal of the evaluation is to improve call handling time, criteria include the amount of time spent on hold, the time it takes to resolve the issue, and the time it takes to complete the call. Some standard criteria include the following:

3. Use a Variety of Assessment Methods

To get a comprehensive view of the agent’s performance, it is essential to use various assessment methods. Some standard assessment methods include call monitoring, customer feedback surveys, and self-assessment. Each method provides a different perspective on the agent’s performance, and using a combination of techniques can provide a more accurate assessment. Some ways to consider include the following:

4. Determine the Assessment Format

There are many different formats for call center assessments, and the one you choose will depend on your goals and the skills you want to measure. Some joint assessment formats include:

5. Develop a Scoring System

To ensure consistency in the assessment process, it is essential to develop a scoring system. The scoring system should be easy to understand and use. The scores should be based on the KPIs identified, and the weightage should be given to each KPI based on its importance. The scoring system should also include a feedback mechanism for the agents, highlighting their strengths and areas of improvement.

6. Train the Evaluators and the Agents

The evaluators should be trained on how to conduct the assessments effectively. They should understand the objectives, goals, and KPIs for the evaluation. The evaluators should also be trained to use the scoring system and provide agent feedback. Ensuring that the evaluators are consistent in their assessment process is essential.

Once the evaluators are trained, training must be provided to the call center agents on how to attempt the assessment and answer the questions. It must be made sure that all the agents understand the assessment guidelines.

7. Use Assessment Results to Improve Call Center Operations

Finally, using assessment results to improve call center operations is essential. This can involve identifying trends and patterns in agent performance, changing policies and procedures, or providing additional training or resources to help agents improve their skills. Call center managers can use assessment results to inform decision-making and create a more effective and efficient customer service operation.

For example, if customer satisfaction scores are consistently low, managers may need to evaluate the training and support provided to agents. Managers may need to assess the call flow process if call handling times are consistently high.

8. Provide Feedback and Coaching

Call center assessments should be used to provide feedback and coaching to agents. Agents should clearly understand their performance, including areas where they excelled and where improvement is needed. Managers should work with agents to develop an improvement plan and provide coaching and support as required. Apart from providing general training, managers can also create one-on-one training sessions based on the agent’s improvement areas.

9. Continuously Improve the Assessment Process

The call center assessment process should be continuously reviewed and improved. The feedback from the agents, evaluators, and customers should be used to identify areas of improvement. The KPIs and scoring system should be reviewed regularly to ensure they are relevant to the business objectives and customer service standards. The assessment process should be flexible to adapt to the changing business needs and customer expectations.


In conclusion, call center assessments to hold an important place in the success of a call center. Call center managers can create great reviews that provide valuable information on agent performance and effectiveness by determining the evaluation goals and using the outlined methods to improve operations. Call centers can improve customer satisfaction rates and boost their bottom line by regularly assessing agents’ performance and providing feedback and training.

With a call center solution like NEQQO, you can grow your business by managing quality, increasing productivity, improving the customer experience, and maintaining compliance. You can now book a quick demo and see our product in action.

Quality Assurance Questions for Customer Service: Checklist


In today’s highly competitive business landscape, the quality of customer service is often the differentiating factor that separates successful companies from those that struggle to stay afloat. To provide top-notch customer service, companies must have a robust quality assurance (QA) process to ensure their agents consistently meet customer expectations.

Implementing a QA process is standard nowadays, as it helps boost business growth and efficiency. However, QA evaluators already have so much on their plates, as there are many metrics to cover during a call. The goal is to identify the agent’s growth areas, ultimately improving the customer experience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore a checklist of QA questions for customer service that can help you improve the quality of your customer support.

What is a QA Checklist for Customer Service?

A QA questions checklist is an assortment of questions and standards a customer service business uses to meet established quality standards. This checklist provides an overview of the questions to be asked while offering customer support services. This checklist acts as a guide for both agents and QA evaluators to make sure that the set standards are met while providing customer services.

A QA checklist can help businesses achieve this by providing a structured approach to assessing the quality of customer service interactions. Below are some quality assurance questions for customer service to use as a checklist:

Did the Agent Greet the Customer Warmly?

The first impression matters; a warm and welcoming greeting can set the tone for a positive customer service experience. Greeting the customer promptly is the first step towards creating a good customer experience. Ensure the customer service agent greets the customer within the first few seconds of the call or chat. QA evaluators should ensure that agents greet customers warmly and make them feel valued and appreciated.

Did the Agent Actively Listen to the Customer?

Active listening is an essential skill for customer service agents. Evaluators should check if the agent paid attention to the customer’s concerns, acknowledged their feelings, and responded appropriately. The agent should not interrupt the customer or make assumptions about their needs. Active listening helps build rapport with the customer and leads to a better customer experience.

Did the Agent Provide Accurate and Complete Information?

Customers reach out to support to get answers to their questions or resolve their issues. Therefore, agents must provide accurate and complete information to customers. Providing accurate information is essential for building trust with the customer. QA evaluators should check if the agent provided correct and relevant information and if they were knowledgeable about the company’s products and services. If the customer service representative is unsure, they should inform the customer and follow up with the correct information.

Did the agent speak clearly and professionally?

Customers expect customer service agents to speak clearly and professionally. The agents must have good communication and soft skills. Evaluators should assess if the agent spoke at an appropriate pace, used appropriate language, and avoided jargon or technical terms that the customer may not understand.

Did the Agent Empathize with the Customer’s Situation?

Empathy is an essential trait for customer service agents. Evaluators should check if the agent empathized with the customer’s situation expressed understanding, and conveyed a willingness to help. Agents who demonstrate empathy can create a more substantial customer connection and enhance customer experience.

Did the Agent Provide Personalized Service?

Customers appreciate personalized service that meets their unique needs. Evaluators should assess if the agent customized their approach to the customer’s needs, preferences, and situation. For instance, did the agent use the customer’s name, reference previous interactions, or offer solutions tailored to the customer’s specific problem?

Did the Agent Take Ownership of the Issue?

Customers want customer service agents who take ownership of their problems and work to resolve them. It is essential that the agents assume responsibility for the issue, offer solutions and follow up with the customer to ensure that the problem is resolved satisfactorily. QA evaluators provide that agents apologize for issues and resolve them quickly.

Did the Agent Follow the Company’s Policies and Procedures?

Customer-service agents must adhere to the company’s policies and procedures to ensure consistency and compliance. Evaluators should assess if the agent followed the company’s guidelines, policies, and procedures while handling the customer’s request or issue.

Did the Agent Handle the Customer’s Issue Promptly?

When customers contact support services, their issues must be resolved quickly. Customers get irritated when they must wait long to resolve their issues. Therefore, the agents must ensure customers’ problems are resolved soon. Evaluators should check if the agent responded promptly to the customer’s request, took appropriate actions to resolve the issue, and avoided unnecessary delays.

Was the Customer’s Problem Resolved?

Customers will sometimes need help with products or services. The customer service agent’s primary responsibility is to resolve these complaints and ensure customer satisfaction.

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that customer service representatives are trained to handle customer complaints. They should be able to listen to the customer’s complaint, empathize with the customer, and provide a satisfactory solution. Follow up with the customer to ensure the query has been resolved.

Did the Customer Service Representative Meet the Service Level Agreement (SLA)?

An SLA is a commitment between the customer and the service provider. It defines the level of service that the customer can expect. Ensure the customer service agent meets the SLA and provides the service within the specified timeframe.

Was the Customer Service Representative Knowledgeable?

One of the most important QA questions for customer service is whether the agents are knowledgeable about the products and services offered. Customers expect agents to be well-informed about the products and services they are selling. They also expect them to be able to answer their questions and provide relevant information about the products.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the customer service agents have the necessary training and knowledge about the products and services offered. This can be done by providing regular training sessions and workshops. Additionally, it is crucial to provide them with the necessary resources, such as product manuals, to provide accurate information to customers.

Are Customer Interactions Recorded and Monitored?

Another quality assurance question for customer service is whether customer interactions are recorded and monitored. Customer interactions provide valuable information on the performance of the customer service agents and the quality of service offered.

Therefore, it is important to record and monitor customer interactions. This can be done using call recording or chat monitoring software. It is essential to review the recordings and monitor customer interactions regularly. Moreover, QA evaluators can also listen to live interactions.

Is the Customer Service Department Available 24/7?

Customers may require support outside of regular working hours. Therefore, ensuring that the customer service department is available 24/7 to assist customers is essential.

This can be done by monitoring the availability of the customer service department at odd hours. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the customer service department has the necessary resources, such as staff and technology, to aid customers at any time.

Is the Customer Service Department Accessible?

Another QA question for customer service is whether the customer service department is easily accessible to customers. Customers should be able to reach the customer service department easily, and their inquiries should be addressed promptly.

This can be done by monitoring the accessibility of the customer service agents. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the customer service department is available through multiple channels, such as phone, email, and chat.

Did the Agent End the Conversation on a Positive Note?

The last impression is as critical as the first one. The agents must ensure that the customers are satisfied with the services and have no other issues. Evaluators should assess if the agent ended the conversation positively, thanked the customer for their business, and conveyed a willingness to assist.



For a business to succeed, quality customer services must be offered. Companies can use a QA questions checklist to ensure their customer service agents consistently meet customer expectations and deliver a positive customer experience. The above checklist can help companies enhance service quality and build a loyal customer base.

How to Optimize Your Call Center Performance


Call centers are vital to businesses in today’s fast-paced world as they serve as the first point of contact for customers seeking assistance or inquiring about a company’s products or services. Consequently, the performance of call centers is crucial for the overall success of a business. A well-managed call center can help build customer loyalty, increase customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth. However, managing a call center can be challenging, and many factors can impact its performance. The success of a call center is measured by various metrics, such as response time, average handling time (AHT), and customer satisfaction. Therefore, call centers must optimize performance to ensure customer satisfaction and business success.

This blog post will discuss some best practices that can help optimize your call center’s performance. These practices are:

1. Hire the Right People

One of the most critical factors in call center performance optimization is the people who work there. Hiring the right people can significantly impact your call center’s success. When hiring, look for candidates with excellent communication skills, who can handle stress well, and who are committed to providing outstanding customer service. It is also essential to ensure that new hires receive proper training and are given the tools and resources they need to succeed.

2. Define Performance Metrics

The next step in optimizing the call center’s performance is to define performance metrics. Before you optimize your call center’s performance, you must clearly understand what you are trying to achieve. Define your objectives and set measurable performance metrics. For example, you might set a metric for attaining a specific Net Promoter Score (NPS) to increase customer satisfaction. To improve efficiency, select a metric for AHT.

Defining the metrics is crucial because they help call center managers to identify improvement areas and develop strategies. Some of the essential performance metrics include:

a.) Response Time: Response time refers to a company or organization’s time to respond to a customer’s inquiry, request, or complaint. It is when the customer initiates contact through a phone call, email, chat, or social media and when the customer service agent responds.

b.) AHT: This is the total time it takes to handle a customer’s inquiry, including the time spent on hold, the time spent speaking with the customer, and any follow-up actions.

c.) First-call Resolution: This measures the percentage of calls resolved on the first contact.

d.) Customer Satisfaction: This is an essential metric measuring customer satisfaction with the call center’s service.

3. Streamline Call Routing

Call routing refers to directing customer calls to the appropriate department or agent. Streamlining call routing is crucial because it helps to reduce call waiting time, minimize call transfers, and increase customer satisfaction. There are several ways to simplify call routing, including:

a.) Interactive Voice Response (IVR): An IVR system allows customers to select the department to speak to by pressing a button on their phone keypad. This reduces the time to route calls to the appropriate department or agent.

b.) Skill-based Routing involves routing calls to agents with specific skills or knowledge to handle a particular inquiry. This ensures customers are directed to agents who provide accurate and helpful information.

c.) Priority Routing: This involves routing urgent or high-priority calls to the front of the queue, ensuring that customers with critical issues are attended to promptly.

Streamlining call routing effectively optimizes call center performance by reducing waiting times, minimizing call transfers, and improving customer satisfaction.

4. Improve Agent Training and Knowledge

Agent training and knowledge are among the most critical factors in call center optimization. Invest in training and development to help your agents improve their performance. Agents should be adequately trained to handle customer queries and issues and have extensive knowledge about the business’s products and services. This will help the agents provide better customer service and increase their confidence in handling customer queries.

To improve agent training and knowledge, businesses can conduct regular training sessions and provide access to relevant resources such as product manuals, FAQs, and other documentation. Additionally, specialized training programs can be organized by the trainers or leaders to improve the shortcomings of a specific agent. Moreover, agents should be trained in communication, problem-solving, and conflict-resolution skills to handle customer inquiries effectively and quickly.

Encourage agents to participate in role-playing exercises and provide constructive feedback to help them improve their skills.

5. Implement Quality Assurance (QA)

QA analyzes and evaluates agents’ performance to ensure they meet the required standards. QA helps to pinpoint improvement areas, enabling the managers to develop strategies for optimization.

Some of the ways to implement quality assurance include:

a.) Call Monitoring and Coaching: Call monitoring and coaching are crucial for identifying areas where agents need improvement. Businesses can monitor calls using various methods, such as call recording, real-time monitoring, and call analytics. This will help identify common issues and trends in customer complaints and agent performance.

Based on the findings from call monitoring, businesses can then provide coaching and feedback to agents. Coaching can be done through regular one-on-one or group sessions where agents can learn from each other’s experiences. This will improve agent performance and make them feel more supported and valued.

b.) Mystery Shopping: Hiring third-party individuals to call the call center and pose as customers to evaluate the agents’ performance.

c.) Customer Feedback: This involves collecting customer feedback after interacting with the call center. Feedback must be collected through surveys, questionnaires, on-call feedback, etc. This feedback can be used to identify areas that need improvement and create appropriate strategies.

6. Provide Multiple Channels for Customer Support

To improve performance, businesses must provide multiple channels for customer support. Customers prefer to communicate through different channels such as phone, email, chat, and social media, and offering these options will help businesses cater to other customer preferences.

Moreover, providing multiple channels can help reduce call volume and wait times. For example, customers with simple queries prefer to send an email or use chat support instead of waiting for a phone call on hold.

7. Leverage Technology

Nowadays, all businesses are driven by digital tools and technologies. New and advanced tools are coming to the market to help businesses. Technology can be used to optimize call center performance by automating specific processes, reducing call waiting times, and improving customer satisfaction. Various technologies call centers to adopt for enhancing performance. Some of the examples are:

a.) Use call routing software to route calls to the most appropriate agent based on the customer’s needs.

b.) Use customer relationship management (CRM) software to provide agents with customer history and context, enabling them to provide more personalized service.

c.) Use analytics software to monitor call center performance metrics and identify areas for improvement.

8. Focus on First-call Resolution (FCR)

FCR measures the calls that were resolved on the first contact. A high FCR rate indicates that agents are resolving customer issues quickly, which leads to higher customer satisfaction. To improve FCR, ensure agents can access the information and resources to resolve customer issues quickly. Encourage agents to take ownership of customer issues and follow up to ensure that the customer’s problems are fully resolved.

9. Leverage Data to Make Data-Driven Decisions

Data is a valuable resource for improving the performance of your call center. Data analytics is a powerful tool for call center performance optimization. By analyzing data such as call volume, call wait time, and call resolution time, businesses can identify patterns and trends in call center performance. This data can then be used to optimize call center operations and improve customer service.

Customer feedback surveys can be used to gather data on customer satisfaction and identify improvement areas. The call centers can use workforce management software to optimize staffing levels based on call volume trends.

For example, call wait times are consistently high. In that case, businesses can hire more agents or adjust their staffing schedules to ensure enough agents can handle customer calls. Similarly, suppose a particular product or service is causing high customer complaints. In that case, businesses can improve the product or service or provide additional training to agents on handling those specific issues.

10. Empower Agents to Make Decisions

In the business world, employees are essential for a company’s success. The rules apply to customer support services. Therefore, businesses must take care of their agents. To uplift the agents’ spirits, the call centers must motivate and empower them. Empowering agents to make essential decisions can improve customer service and higher job satisfaction.

Give agents the authority to make decisions and resolve customer issues independently without needing approval from a supervisor. Additionally, provide them access to the information and resources they need to do their job effectively, such as customer data, training materials, and technology solutions. This can improve the agents’ efficiency and give customers a positive experience.

11. Measure and Reward Performance

It is well known that good performances are rewarded. Businesses must use performance metrics to track individual and team performance. Provide incentives and rewards for high-performing agents, such as bonuses or extra time off. Celebrate successes and recognize top performers publicly to encourage others to strive for excellence. This motivates the agents to perform better and provide excellent customer service. Moreover, once the agents are rewarded, they perform well and provide a positive customer experience.

12. Implement Self-Service Options

Self-service options such as IVR and FAQs on the official website can help reduce call volume and wait times. These options allow customers to find the information they need quickly and easily without waiting for an agent.

Businesses can also use self-service options to gather customer data and provide personalized support. For example, if a customer calls about a specific product or service, the IVR can route the call to an agent trained to handle those issues.

13. Focus on Customer Experience

The heart of any thriving call center lies in a positive customer experience. Customer experience should be a top priority in all aspects of call center operations, from hiring and training to technology and processes. Focusing on the customer experience can build customer loyalty, increase customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth. Satisfied customers promote the products and services they like, ultimately leading to more revenue.

14. Continuous Improvement

Finally, it is essential to improve call center processes and operations continuously. This can include regularly reviewing and refining scripts and workflows, identifying areas where automation can be implemented, and analyzing call data to identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, optimizing call center performance requires a multifaceted approach that focuses on people, processes, technology, and the customer experience. By implementing the best practices outlined, you can build a high-performing call center that delivers exceptional customer service and drives revenue growth.

With a call center solution like NEQQO, you can grow your business by managing quality, increasing productivity, improving the customer experience, and maintaining compliance. You can now book a quick demo and see our product in action.

Tips to Reduce Dead Air in Call Centers


Dead air in a working environment can be detrimental to team productivity and collaboration. It can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of clarity, resulting in missed opportunities or delayed projects. Dead air can also negatively impact workplace morale and create a hostile work environment.

This blog post will discuss tips for reducing dead air in call centers.

What is Dead Air?

In a call center environment, dead air refers to periods of silence between an agent and a customer during a call. Dead air can be caused by various factors, such as technical glitches, network issues, or even unprepared agents. Dead air can harm the customer experience, leading to frustration, confusion, and even a lost customer.

To reduce dead air in a call center, it is important to encourage open communication and collaboration among team members. This can be done through regular team meetings, setting clear expectations and goals, and providing opportunities for team members to share ideas and insights. It’s also essential to foster a positive work culture where all team members feel valued and heard.

There are multiple ways to curb the dead air in a call center and boost a positive working environment, and these ways are:

1. Provide Adequate Training and Resources

The first step in reducing dead air is to ensure that the call center agents are adequately trained and have access to the resources they need to address customer issues. This includes providing training on the products or services offered and resources such as FAQs, scripts, and knowledge bases.

Training programs include interactive activities, role-play exercises, and so on. Providing adequate training and resources gives the call center agents an overview of handling situations leading to dead air. It also allows the call center agents to develop the skills and experience needed to move forward, removing the dead air during customer interactions.

2. Use Call Scripting

Call scripting is one of call center agents’ most essential defense tools. Call scripting can help agents stay on track and avoid dead air by providing a guide for handling customer inquiries. The leaders can create scripts with the call center agents and include the most common issues, new critical situations, and ways to handle such situations.

Call scripting can also help ensure that agents deliver consistently quality services and handle customer inquiries in a way that aligns with the company’s brand and values. By providing a script to the call center agents, they have an on-the-go guide to which the agents can refer in critical situations to resolve the issues and avoid dead air.

3. Encourage Active Listening

Encouraging active listening can help reduce dead air by ensuring agents are fully engaged in the conversation with the customer. Active listening involves paying attention to what the customer is saying, asking clarifying questions, and responding to show the customer that their concerns are being heard and understood. This tends to avoid dead air during customer interactions and resolve issues quickly.

4. Use Technology to Reduce Wait Time

Long wait times can lead to dead air as customers become frustrated and disengaged. With the help of new tools and technologies, many call centers are cutting short the waiting period to engage customers properly and get general information regarding their issues.

Technology such as automatic call distribution (ACD) and interactive voice response (IVR) systems can help reduce wait times and ensure that customers are quickly connected with an agent who can help them.

5. Ask Customers’ Permission to Put Them on Hold

There are various situations in which a call center agent may not have a resolution to your issues, and the agent wants to look for answers, ultimately requiring you to put the call on hold. In such situations, it is essential for the call center agents to place the call on hold; however, they should ask for the customer’s permission before doing so. This shows that the call center agents respect the customers and value them.

6. Have Backup Plans for Technical Issues

Technical issues such as dropped calls or poor call quality can lead to dead air. Having backup plans for these issues can help ensure the customer experience is not negatively impacted. This could include having backup phone systems or a process for quickly switching to a different communication channel, such as email or chat.

7. Provide Promotions, Rewards, and Discounts

To make the customers feel valued during their waiting period, the call center agents can indulge the customers by informing them about reward points, discounts, or any other beneficiary schemes. However, providing such information to interested customers is crucial, or such information can disengage them from the conversation. This approach must be used only after quality services are provided to the customers and when they are satisfied.

8. Gather Feedback from Customers and Agents

Gathering feedback from customers and agents can provide valuable insights into areas where dead air may occur. This feedback can be used to identify areas for improvement and make changes to call-handling processes. Moreover, specialized training programs can be created to overcome such issues and develop skills to avoid dead air during interactions.

9. Experience Sharing with Fellow Agents

Leaders or managers must create an environment where call center agents can share their experiences and provide insights to other agents. Sometimes, if a new issue arises, a non-experienced call center agent may be unable to resolve the problem; however, an experienced agent may resolve the issue. Sharing knowledge can help reduce the events leading to dead air and support call center agents to improve their skills simultaneously. Call center leaders can create groups or organize weekly sessions where agents can share their experiences and learn from each other.

Bonus Tips

We all know that call center agent are the ones who handle the customers and their behavior, along with resolving their issues. However, removing dead air is not always the agents’ responsibility but also the leaders’ responsibility. The following are the actions that the leaders can implement to avoid or reduce dead air:

Monitor and Improve Call Quality

Monitoring call quality is essential in identifying and addressing dead air issues. Call quality monitoring can be done through call recordings, live to monitor, and call analytics. This information can be used to identify areas where agents need additional training and provide feedback on improving call handling.

Provide Continuous Training and Support

Ongoing training and support are essential in maintaining agent performance and reducing dead air. This includes regular training on new products or services and ongoing coaching and feedback to help agents improve their call-handling skills.

Set Clear Expectations for Call Handling

Setting clear expectations for call handling can help reduce dead air by providing agents with a clear understanding of what is expected of them during a call. This includes providing guidelines for how long agents should wait for a customer response, how to handle demanding customers, and what information should be collected during the call.

Foster a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment can help reduce dead air by ensuring that agents are motivated and engaged. This includes providing opportunities for professional development, recognizing and rewarding good performance, and fostering a culture of teamwork and collaboration.


Silence can be considered the best solution; however, it is not considered necessary in various situations. In call center businesses, the customers may feel disrespected as their time and efforts are not valued by not speaking. Reducing dead air in call centers requires adequate training, monitoring, and ongoing support. By implementing the tips outlined above, call centers can improve the customer experience, reduce frustration and confusion, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

With a call center solution like NEQQO, you can grow your business by managing quality, increasing productivity, improving the customer experience, and maintaining compliance. You can now book a quick demo and see our product in action.

ChatGPT for Customer Service: Opportunities and Limitations


Customer service is an essential part of every business industry. With the increasing competition in the market, it has become necessary for businesses to provide excellent customer service to attract and retain customers. In recent years, the digitalization of business operations has been on the rise. This includes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in customer service. Support businesses to use digital tools to smooth operations and provide high-quality services. Chatbots have become a popular tool for businesses to interact with customers.

Recently, a chatbot was launched with the name ChatGPT, which has taken down the Internet by storm.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot launched on November 30, 2022, by OpenAI. This bot is trained to answer customer queries and help. GPT stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. ChatGPT runs on an autoregressive (AR) model that utilizes layer learning to process data and allows the bot to interact like humans. It runs on the GPT 3.5 version, and the next version, “GPT 4,” will soon arrive.

The interactions with the chatbot GPT are easy and convenient to understand. It provides crisp and precise information based on human queries. From a business perspective, it can give general or basic ideas by gathering information from the web (Internet). However, it is way more advanced than those pop-up bots on the business’s official website.

In this blog post, we will explore the opportunities and limitations of ChatGPT in customer service.


It is understood that AI is developed to aid humans. So, let us discuss the opportunities that ChatGPT offers. These are:

24/7 Availability

Time is essential in business operations; the same applies to customer service businesses. Customers expect quick and timely services for their issues, and problems can arise anywhere and at any time. Therefore, having all-time support services has become a must. ChatGPT can provide such services. One of the most significant advantages of ChatGPT is that it can operate 24/7, providing round-the-clock customer service. This means customers can get help without waiting for the business to open. Also, ChatGPT will provide quick and timely resolution of the issues without any halt in the process.


Customers today demand personalized experiences, and businesses must satisfy their needs to stay ahead of the competition. Customer support services use AI tools and technologies to create a customer database for future reference. Therefore, if a customer reaches out again, their data can be accessed to offer personalized services. Such information includes the customers’ issues, behavior, and more. ChatGPT can be programmed to offer customized services. By analyzing customer data and preferences, ChatGPT can provide tailored recommendations and solutions to each customer.


It is well known that high costs lead to a drop in profits, ultimately impacting the growth and success of the business. Suppose ChatGPT comes to market for customer support services. In that case, it will be a one-time investment with time-to-time maintenance, so companies can save money on hiring additional customer service representatives. ChatGPT can provide faster and more efficient customer service at a fraction of the cost of a human representative.

Handling Multiple Customers Simultaneously

In customer support services, handling a single customer requires one employee, i.e., issues involving only one customer can be resolved by a single employee at a time. However, due to digital advancement, chatbots can handle multiple customers simultaneously, deciding the issues of various customers. ChatGPT is an advanced chatbot that can interact with thousands of customers with the help of the Internet, its advanced model, and its scalability. ChatGPT can handle the load without additional resources or infrastructure as the volume of customer queries increases.

Faster Response Time

With the help of digitalization, customer support businesses use chatbots and AI to help customers. It is one of the fastest ways to communicate with customers and offer quick assistance. ChatGPT can provide instant responses to customer queries, reducing customer wait time. This can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of customers abandoning a purchase or leaving negative reviews.


People’s favorite ChatGPT offers various opportunities; however, being a chatbot, it also has certain limitations. These disadvantages are:

Limited Understanding of Context

AI is the work of the human mind and brilliance. Digital tools and technologies can only understand what they are programmed to understand. With the help of deep and self-learning models, AI is moving towards self-development; however, it is still in its initial phase. ChatGPT is one example of being in the initial stage of self-development.

ChatGPT’s ability to understand context is limited. It may need help to pick up on subtle nuances in language or tone, which can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of customer queries.

Lack of Emotional Intelligence

One of the essential qualities of customer support services is empathy. The support staff must establish an emotional connection with the customers and show them compassion. ChatGPT lacks emotional intelligence, which can be a disadvantage when dealing with complex or emotionally charged customer queries. ChatGPT may not be able to provide the empathy and support that a human support staff can.

Limited Problem-solving Ability

Customer service representatives are hired based on their problem-solving skills. Also, at the same time, customers are provided with specialized and continuous training to improve their skills. However, AI tools and technologies need more ability to resolve the issues. ChatGPT is trained to respond to predefined queries and may be unable to handle complex or unique customer problems. In such cases, customers may require the assistance of a human representative.

Inability to Handle Multi-step Tasks

Sometimes, a customer may contact customer support staff with multi-step issues that a specialized representative can only resolve. Such problems cannot be resolved by a digital tool or AI, which can only handle one task at a time. Chatbots only have a limited understanding of predefined contexts, which restricts their ability to solve multi-step tasks. ChatGPT may not be able to handle multi-step tasks requiring multiple customer interactions. This can be a disadvantage when dealing with complex queries that require follow-up actions.

Data Privacy Concerns

AI and new digital tools require a constant Internet connection, making them prone to digital attacks or data thefts. Individuals with computers or laptops and the Internet can access personal or secret information by writing specific codes. Similarly, ChatGPT is also prone to such attacks.

ChatGPT collects customer data, including personal information. Customer information is recorded for future reference in customer support services, and attackers may target such information. This raises data privacy concerns and can be a disadvantage for businesses that operate in countries with strict data privacy laws.


ChatGPT is a powerful business tool to provide efficient and cost-effective customer service. It can operate 24/7, handle multiple customer queries simultaneously, and provide personalized recommendations. However, it is not a substitute for human representatives and has limitations.

Businesses need to weigh the benefits and limitations of ChatGPT carefully and use it as a tool to augment their customer service capabilities rather than as a replacement for human representatives. By leveraging the strengths of ChatGPT and human representatives, businesses can provide excellent customer service and improve customer satisfaction.

ChatGPT is just a helping hand for its human companion to ease off their work.

Quality Assurance in a Call Center– What, Why, and How?


The success of a business depends on how your call center agent deals with the customers they encounter. Customers demand prompt issue resolution and high-quality services from customer support staff. Every customer support business wants to offer speedy and efficient services to its customers, but maintaining quality services is what gets the job done each time a customer interaction takes place.

It is essential to understand the call center quality before diving into the fundamentals of call center quality assurance.

Call center quality is how your agents provide service to the consumers and ensure consistency is maintained throughout their experience. The critical aspect of customer assistance is maintaining high standards for each client.

What is Call Center Quality Assurance (CCQA)?

CCQA is a process of monitoring the agent’s call and scrutinizing the call quality, focusing on customer expectations and requirements. To improve call center customer service, CCQA is considered the most effective and well-organized approach. With effective CCQA, team leaders/managers can identify the issues within the teams by analyzing the conversation between the customers and agents.

The QA process typically involves monitoring and analyzing customer interactions through phone calls, emails, chats, and other communication channels. The call center QA team evaluates the agents’ performance based on specific criteria such as adherence to call scripts, the accuracy of information provided, professionalism, empathy, and overall customer satisfaction.

The call center QA team provides feedback to the agents and trains them to improve their skills and performance. The goal is to ensure that agents provide excellent customer service, resolve customer issues efficiently, and deliver a positive customer experience.

Overall, call center QA ensures that the call center and its agents meet customer service and quality goals, improve customer satisfaction, and drive business growth.


Ensuring the quality of call center customer services is crucial for several reasons, including customer retention. CCQA assists businesses in attaining the following:

1. Identifying Areas of Improvement

The first and foremost aim of QA (Quality Assurance) is to identify the areas where the call center and its agents lack. QA can help identify areas where customer service agents need additional training or support. Ultimately, this can improve the overall performance and productivity of the call center and its agents.

2. Maintaining Call Quality Standards

The monitoring process soft wires the call center agents’ skills, and over time, it becomes an essential part of their tactics. Their approach also includes proactively resolving the customers’ queries. Standardized techniques include answering customers, handling annoyed clients, being empathetic, and accepting their feedback, ultimately providing a positive customer experience.

3. Compliance Adherence

Call centers establish various guidelines and regulations to be followed by the call center agents while handling customers to ensure customer data security. Implementing strict compliance to set standards includes monitoring the call quality and ensuring the security of customer data by the call center agents. The leaders and the QA team ensure that the call center agent complies with the applicable regulations and set guidelines.

4. Customer Retention

It is well-established that acquiring new customers requires a higher cost than retaining the existing ones. Due to this, the leaders must ensure the quality of services being delivered to the customers is up to the set standards. This also ensures that the customers are not contacting your competitors. QA is a customer-centric strategy, i.e., customers are at the highest priority, which ultimately leads to ensuring customer retention.

5. CCQA Metrics

After implementing the CCQA process, call center agents must be closely monitored, leading to quality metrics improvement. The metrics can only be improved if they are correctly measured. Analyzing the call center quality metrics is an essential part of CCQA. Keeping track of quality metrics over time aids in creating effective strategies to improve customer services & quality further.

6. Uplifting the Customer Experience

Customers’ overall experience is uplifted when the services are provided seamlessly and quickly. QA assists in maintaining the quality of customer services, allows the leaders to spot loopholes and lets them create strategies for improving the customer experience. Higher customer experience leads to loyal customers, long-term engagements, and word-of-mouth promotion.

How can QA Improve Call Center Quality?

Managing customer interaction is significant for all customer support businesses. The customers’ issues and interactions must be handled properly to retain them and give them a reason to continue with your business rather than going to the competitors. Businesses should put in effective QA standards to focus on the quality of services and retention of customers.

The following are how QA can improve the call center quality:

Focus on Customer (Caller) Experience

To measure the call quality and the performance of the call center agents, the QA team focuses on listening to the interactions between the customers and the agents. If an interaction is up to the set standards, the team must categorize it as a “quality interaction,” If it is not up to the standards, the team can provide feedback to the call center agents to work on the call quality.

Problem Resolution

When customers seek help, the solutions must be provided effectively and quickly. The ownership of the call must lie in the hands of the call center agents, and they must try to resolve the customer’s problems. This includes calls to the supervisor for escalation or transferring the call to someone else.

Agent Engagement is a Must

The call center agents must know about the set targets and metrics for assessing their performance. Being aware of what constitutes a quality interaction, a call center agent must have an in-depth understanding of a quality call. Live calls or training may help the call center agents have a better experience. Follow-up questions with their superior may also help.

Data Analytics

QA is all about monitoring agents’ performance and identifying improvement areas. By analyzing the data collected in a QA process, the QA team and the business leaders can create development programs and strategies to improve the quality and performance of the call center and its agents.


In the business world, call center businesses are constantly developing and evolving. The call centers must provide quick and helpful customer service by focusing on quality interaction. With implementing the CCQA process, enterprises focus on the calculated pathway to offer solutions to customers and retain them. With quality interaction and engaged QA agents, if the CCQA process is implemented correctly, the call center business can thrive with high customer retention.

With a call center solution like NEQQO, you can grow your business by managing quality, increasing productivity, improving the customer experience, and maintaining compliance. You can now book a quick demo and see our product in action.

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